Bliesgau Obst e.V.

Name / TitleBliesgau Obst e.V. (English: Bliesgau Fruits Association) Case Study RegionSaarland (D)Geographical coverage  Bliesgau, seat of the association is Blieskastel TypeRegistered AssociationMain activity / focus Particular focus is on the following objectives of Bliesgau Obst e.V.:Nature conservation through extensive cultivationA sustainable protection of the tree population  is to be guaranteed through replanting and new creationPreserving a versatile range […]

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Rural House

Name / TitleRural House (Dutch: Plattelandshuis)Case Study RegionWesterkwartier (NL)Geographical coverage Westerkwartier, part of the province of GroningenTypeProjectMain activity / focusInitiate and realize LEADER projects within the WesterkwartierTarget beneficiaries / market Rural development initiators in the Westerkwartier (Nature, Landscape & Environment, Civic & Community Development, SME support, culture & history, (multifunctional) agriculture, tourism and (agriculture). Year established2008Current Funding […]

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Brug Toekomst

 Name / Title“Brug Toekomst”Case Study RegionWesterkwartier (NL)Geographical coverage Westerkwartier, part of the province of GroningenTypeProject; partnershipMain activity / focus Answer regional research questions through establishing link between education and regional development initiatives.  Target beneficiaries / market Publically funded “green” knowledge institutes (Wageningen University and Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Science), the national forest management agency (Staatsbosbeheer), nature […]

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O Grelo Verde

Name / Title O Grelo Verde  Case Study Region Comarca de Verín (Spain) Geographical coverage The region of Galicia Type Voluntary group  Main activity / focus  The main goal of the initiative is to foster environmental sustainability, organic farming knowledge and consumption, and sustainable development. O Grelo Verde aims at fostering the consumption and production […]

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Cooperative Biocoop

Name / Title Cooperative Biocoop Case Study Region Comarca de Verín (Spain) Geographical coverage   The headquarters of the cooperative is located in the municipality of Verin. Partners are farmers from all over the province of Ourense but the distribution covers whole national territory of Spain Type Cooperative Association  Main activity / focus  In 1998, […]

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