

Name / Title

South Moravian Innovation Centre (JIC)

Case Study Region

South Moravian Region (CZ)

Geographical coverage

Based in Brno.

Primarily regional focus, extending to national.


Advice service; funding scheme


Main activity / focus


The institution (JIC) is helping innovative companies, students with original ideas, researchers and inventors. JIC promotes collaboration between industry, research institutions and public administration. The “Center” creates a friendly environment for an innovative business in the South Moravia.

Target beneficiaries / market

Starting companies, larger companies, individuals (students, researchers)

Year established


Current Funding source(s)

2/3 of public resources (JMK, Brno, EU subsidies)
1/3 of its own funds


business owners who are in charge of growth value of  the firms, investment and mergers, top managers of companies and acquisitions, chief strategy officer, who manages growth of strategic projects, marketing and sales managers, production managers








The aim of the innovative academy is a training of managers and owners of companies to face new challenges in sharpen competitive environment in which innovation is just becoming a new source of competitive advantage and society growth. Innovation Academy program is based on a combination of best practices and trends in the field of innovation management, also includes a practical element in the form of workshops and coaching of specific business projects. Interactive workshops addressing issues of innovation-driven manner – as particularly innovative business strategies, build powerful corporate innovation processes, new markets, products, and a jump increase of an efficiency of business processes. Also contains workshop elements, called a training section to suggest at least the concept of the project for each participating company. Part of the Innovation Academy is also excursion leading to important companies in the region. The participants obtain a certificate after the successful defense of his innovative project at the end of the course

Other activities:

Incubation Programme, incubators, scientific and technological park, Innovation vouchers, technology transfer, patent and licensing fund.


Contact details


Mgr. Petr Chládek
+420 602 258 830