GreenGrove Wood Energy

Name / TitleGreenGrove Wood EnergyCase Study RegionWest of Ireland – RoscommonGeographical coverage County Roscommon, Ireland.TypeBusinessMain activity / focus The overall concept of Greengrove Wood Energy Ltd is the collection of wood from felled trees, forestry thinnings and timber mills. These are then processed into a renewable fuel for burning in customised burners to produce heat for […]

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The Teagasc Forestry Development Unit

Name / TitleThe Teagasc Forestry Development UnitCase Study RegionWest of Ireland RegionGeographical coverage West of Ireland and Ireland in general.TypeTraining scheme; government; advice serviceMain activity / focusThe Teagasc Forestry Department provides advice, training and research on farm forestry and the related matters.Target beneficiaries / marketFarmers and landowners with an interest in planting land for forestry […]

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NGO Association Groningen Villages

Name / TitleNGO Association Groningen VillagesCase Study RegionWesterkwartier, NLGeographical coverage Groningen ProvinceTypeNon-Governmental OrganisationMain activity / focus Promote and ensure the vitality and liveability of rural Groningen through supporting local organisations, providing advice and acting as process managers.Target beneficiaries / marketCivic & Community DevelopmentYear establishedPrecursors started in 1978, today’s NGO in 2006Current Funding source(s)Rural Development Plan of […]

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Soča 2013

Name / TitleSoča 2013Case Study RegionGoriška region, SloveniaGeographical coverage SočaValley, Northern Primorska TypeBusiness; funding scheme; training scheme, government Main activity / focus State support programme for Upper Soča Valley started in 2002 after the area had been severely damaged by two earthquakes (in 1998).Target beneficiaries / marketPublic and private sector in Upper Soča ValleyYear established2002-2013Current Funding source(s)National budget: […]

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PrimorskaTechnology Park

Name / TitlePrimorskaTechnology ParkCase Study RegionGoriška region, SloveniaGeographical coverage Primorska region (NUTS 3 regions: Goriška, Littoral, Notranjska); altogether 25 municipalities)TypeBusiness; funding scheme; advice serviceMain activity / focusIncubator for inventive and prosperous enterprises.Target beneficiaries / marketInnovative entrepreneurs in cross-border region (Slovenia-Italy).Year establishedThe firm was founded in 1999, new building opening in 2005.Current Funding source(s)Slovene Enterprise Fund,Public […]

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 Name / TitleIN PRIMECase Study RegionGoriška region, SloveniaGeographical coverage Goriška regionTypeBusiness; project; partnership; policyMain activity / focusEstablishment of IN PRIME Techological Park with four units in Goriška region (Ajdovščina, Spodnja Idrija, Šempeter, Anhovo). Target beneficiaries / market Regionally profiled technology innovative firmsUniversityof NovaGoricaHigh-skilled workersStudentsYear establishedSpring 2007 – 2012Current Funding source(s)25 million € : ERDF (10 million € […]

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Welcome Science and Technology

Name / TitleWelcome Science and Technology (connecting high-tech industry with tertiary education and innovative milieu)Case Study RegionGoriška region, SloveniaGeographical coverage  Ajdovščina, Vipavska Valley, GoriškaTypeBusiness; project; partnershipMain activity / focus Cooperation between private high-tech sector, University of Nova Gorica (Polytechnics) and Municipality of Ajdovščina for biotechnology incubator set-up. Target beneficiaries / market – Biotechnology firms– Tertiary education– Young people […]

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Name / TitleiCONCase Study RegionGoriška region, SloveniaGeographical coverage Slovenian-Italian border regionTypeBusiness; project; training scheme; advice service Main activity / focus Supporting business development in border region (Slovenia-Italy) by co-operation, education and networking of supporting institutions and firms. Project is focused on creating business environment which will enable entrepreneurs with instruments for their further development. Target beneficiaries / market Firms […]

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Kupujmo Goriško (‘Let us Buy Produced in Goriška’)

Name / Title“Let us Buy Produced in Goriška” (Kupujmo Goriško)Case Study RegionGoriška (SI)Geographical coverage  Upper Primorska Region (municipalities: Nova Gorica, Šempeter-Vrtojba, Renče-Vogrsko, Miren-Kostanjevica, Brda, Kanal) and Vipavska ValleyTypeBusiness; project; partnership Main activity / focus Informing local population and entrepreneurs, producing, marketing, storing, labelling, purchasing and selling seasonally and locally produced foods (vegetable, fruit, dairy product etc.). Complete […]

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