Name / Title

Mut zur Nachhaltigkeit
(English: Courage to Sustainability)

Case Study Region

Saarland (D)

Geographical coverage





Main activity / focus


The concept ‘Mut zur Nachhaltigkeit’ consists of three parts:

  • Series of books focusing on the future of earth:
    Well-known scientists researched 13 topics about the earth’s future and presented it generally intelligible as well as giving courses of action for responsible behaviour;
  • Development of education programs:
    The Wuppertal institute for climate, environment and energy adapted the book content for teaching. Six teaching modules have been created (‚sustainable development’, ‚consum’, ‚climate/oceans’, ‚resources/energy’, ‚water/nutrition/population’, ‚economy/new world order’) which contain exercises and extensive teaching materials that can be used for different target groups;
  • Educational offers:
    Institutions responsible for the educational initiative are offering book series, seminars and workshops at the European academy Otzenhausen. The dates and the particular program are scheduled in close coordination with event partners or participants.

Target beneficiaries / market


Interested population, multipliers, students/youths, teachers, executives/companies and seniors

Year established

The initiative was founded in 2006.

Current Funding source(s)

The institutions responsible are the foundation Forum für Verantwortung, ASKO EUROPA-STIFTUNG, European academy Otzenhausen.


Partners of the initiative are the Wuppertal institute for climate, environment, energy Ltd and the Fischer paperback publishing house.





The projekt ‘Mut zur Nachhaltigkeit’ is a nationwide education initiative that is to convince people to a responsible behaviour with the erath. Education is a key to it, the motto therefore is: ‘Handeln aus Einsicht und Verantwortung’ (Acting out of understanding and responsibility). The initiative ‘Mut zur Nachhaltigkeit’ was awarded as an official project of the UN decade ‚Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung’2007/08 and 2009/10 (education for sustainable development)


Contact details


Dr. Hannes Petrischak
Mut zur Nachhaltigkeit
c/o Europäische Akademie Otzenhausen gGmbH
Europahausstraße 35
D-66620 Nonnweiler
Phone: +49 (0) 6873 662 263
Fax: +49 (0) 6873 662 350