Mursko – Dravske kolesarske poti

Name / Title | Mursko – Dravske kolesarske poti |
Case Study Region | Pomurska |
Geographical coverage | regional level: Pomurska region |
Type | Project |
Main activity / focus
| Definition of biking trails along Mura and Drava river with the main goal to establish a biking tourism destination which would be internationally recognized and would promote sustainable tourism as well as sustainable transportation in the area. |
Target beneficiaries / market | bikers, potential visitors to the area, indirectly entire population of Pomurska |
Year established | 2009 |
Current Funding source(s) | EU funding; local funding (by project partners) |
| Project partners:
Website | |
| The project goal is to set up a cross border biking tourism destination along the rivers Mura and Drava. The project idea is already implemented in Austria (»Murradweg« and »Drauradweg«) and will now be also started in Slovenia and Croatia, covering the area all the way to the outflow of Mura into Drava river. The idea is to activate also the marketing of biking tourism products along the river Mura. Geographically the area is excellent for this kind of rural areas tourism development which is overall sustainable and is one of the most growing forms of tourism activities in terms of popularity and practicing. Project tends to support the development of tourism business activities along the trail so there are potential positive impacts on the overall sustainable tourism development in the cross border area to be expected. The definition of the biking trail will be connected to other sustainable tourism products in the region (i.e. water sports activities, horse riding) as well as it will enable the set up of the data base of natural and cultural values in the project area which will be potentially included into the tourism offer. The defined transversal biking trail is interesting from the wider European perspective, promoting the rural areas of Pomurska region as well as to positively influence the areas development at least in the particular tourism segment. In order to assure the sustainability of the expected project results various educational activities are also planned with the main goal to educate not only biking guides but also to involve all the potential tourism suppliers (with the sustainable tourism products and supply!) in the planned tourism destination. |
Contact details
| RRA Mura