Moravske toplice z okolico

Name / Title | Raj za kolesarje; Moravske toplice z okolico |
Case Study Region | Pomurska |
Geographical coverage | regional level: Pomurska region |
Type | Business; project |
Main activity / focus | Creation and marketing of a new sustainable tourism product – biking trails |
Target beneficiaries / market | Tourist Information Centre Moravske Toplice, caterers and suppliers of tourism facilities along the biking routes |
Year established | 2005 |
Current Funding source(s) | EU, Tourist Information Centre Moravske Toplice, Municipality Moravske Toplice, Municipality Kercaszomor (Hungary), Public communal enterprise Čista Narava |
Participants | Tourist Information Centre Moravske Toplice, Municipality Moravske Toplice, Municipality Kercaszomor (Hungary), Public communal enterprise Čista Narava, Bike Center Moravske Toplice (Mr. Sergej Kaučevič, biking expert) |
Website | |
| Within the project “Paradise for bikers” which was initially supported and co-financed by the EU funds the new biking trails have been established and marked. The project main objective was the establishment of the net of cross border biking trails which would importantly contribute to the tourism infrastructure and offer in the area as well as it would promote the sustainable means of transportation as well as recreation. These biking trails were given a local name (in Prekmurje dialect) which indirectly influences the preservation of the language and cultural richness of the region. An important side effect is also the use of biking trails by locals which has positive health effect as well as enables the local population to discover their own region and its potentials. |
Contact details
| TIC Moravske Toplice