Miteinander Leben e.V. (Living Together Association)

Name / Title | Miteinander Leben e.V. (Living Together Association) |
Case Study Region | Saarland, administrative district of Merzig-Wadern |
Geographical coverage | Seat of the association:Merzig Area of activity: administrative district Merzig-Wadern and Saarland |
Type | Registered association |
Main activity / focus
| Support and integration of late repatriates (mostly from the former Soviet Union). Social, educational, sporting and cultural activities are offered for support. Simultaneously, the eastern European cultural heritage is to be preserved. |
Target beneficiaries / market | Late repatriates (mostly from the former Soviet Union) as well as migrants with other eastern European nationalities. |
Year established | Founding of the charitable association: March1999 |
Current Funding source(s) | The association’s premises are provided by the city administration free of charge. In August 2001, the association receives E&C funding; (low) membership fees; (Furthermore, the association can carry out employment-oriented measures in collaboration with labour administration or welfare agencies.) |
Participants | Voluntary members; ‚Miteinander Leben‘ closely cooperates with the association ‚Zusammenarbeit mit Osteuropa‘ (cooperation with Eastern Europe) |
Website | There is no website; information under: |
| The association’s objective is promoting the integration of late repatriates (mostly from the former Soviet Union). Social, educational, sporting and cultural activities are offered for support. Simultaneously, the eastern European cultural heritage is to be preserved. (repetition of main activity) Premises are provided for repatriates (both adults and children) to meet and exchange opinions. Eastern European television is provided to offer information about the (former) home. Handicraft material and toys are provided for children and youths. Additionally, homework tutoring is offered. Since the Eastern European cultural heritage is to be cultivated, the association is running a small library with Russian-German literature. |