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Name / Title

Lebensadern Wege
(English: Lifeline Paths)

Case Study Region

Saarland (D)

Geographical coverage

Biosphere Reserve Bliesgau




Main activity / focus


The project’s objectives are outlined by the short formula:  ‘creating the appearance of ways with local shell limestone – re-animate rotations on the basis of a regional material production – preserving valuable historically marked paths (with a scallop) in the frame of political employment measures as ‘soil citation’ – preserving the culture of remembering an almost forgotten handicraft road construction.’ Thereby, the potential of tourism is not to be underestimated (information leaflet ‚Lebensadern Wege‘).

Target beneficiaries / market

Creation of work programs, preserving of special cultural heritage.

Year established


Current Funding source(s)

In terms of employment, the project is supported by the following training corporations:

  • Ausbildungszentrum Burbach gGmbH (AZB) (training centre)
  • Gemeinnützige Gesellschaft für Arbeit und Qualifizierung im Saarpfalz-Kreis mbH (AQUIS) (charitable institution for work and training)
  • Gemeinnützige kommunal Gesellschaft für Beschäftigung und Qualifizierung mbH St. Ingbert (GBQ) (charitable communal institution for job and training)


The institution responsible for the project is the biosphere administrative body Bliesgau. Co-operation partners are the regional association and Saarpfalz-Kreis.


No dedicated website, information on:


‚Lebensadern Wege‘ is a future-oriented model project. The focal point is re-discovering and re-animating of a path network which originated of a road construction tradition and in which shell limestone was used.


Contact details


Mr Torsten Czech
Lokale Aktionsgruppe Biosphärenreservat Bliesgau
(Regional management, regional development, project development and execution)
Saar-Lor-Lux Umweltzentrum GmbH
Hohenzollernstr. 47-49
D-66117 Saarbrücken
Phone: +49 (0) 681 5809210