Lebensadern Wege

Name / Title |
Case Study Region | Saarland (D) |
Geographical coverage | Biosphere Reserve Bliesgau |
Type | Project |
Main activity / focus
| The project’s objectives are outlined by the short formula: ‘creating the appearance of ways with local shell limestone – re-animate rotations on the basis of a regional material production – preserving valuable historically marked paths (with a scallop) in the frame of political employment measures as ‘soil citation’ – preserving the culture of remembering an almost forgotten handicraft road construction.’ Thereby, the potential of tourism is not to be underestimated (information leaflet ‚Lebensadern Wege‘). |
Target beneficiaries / market | Creation of work programs, preserving of special cultural heritage. |
Year established | 2008/2009 |
Current Funding source(s) | In terms of employment, the project is supported by the following training corporations:
Participants | The institution responsible for the project is the biosphere administrative body Bliesgau. Co-operation partners are the regional association and Saarpfalz-Kreis. |
Website | No dedicated website, information on: |
Description | ‚Lebensadern Wege‘ is a future-oriented model project. The focal point is re-discovering and re-animating of a path network which originated of a road construction tradition and in which shell limestone was used. |
Contact details
| Mr Torsten Czech