Landesverband SaarLandFrauen e.V.

Name / Title | Landesverband SaarLandFrauen e.V. |
Case Study Region | Saarland |
Geographical coverage | Saarland: six regional chapters (Merzig-Wadern, Saarlouis, Saar-Pfalz-Kreis, Neunkirchen, St. Wendel, regional association Saarbrücken) |
| Registered association; grassroots development initiative; training scheme |
Main activity / focus
| One of the main goals is a stronger promotion of the interests of peasant women and women in rural areas and to offer them measures of further education. Furthermore, professional training programs and further education are offered within the frame of the child, youth and adult education. |
Target beneficiaries / market | Women in rural areas, but also children and youth. |
Year established | The association was founded on 10th January 1957 at Blieskastel. |
Current Funding source(s) | The association is financially supported by: |
| The SaarLandFrauen association cooperates with several partners through its 70 local associations and over 4.000 members. Among these partners are: |
Website | |
| The association advocates a healthy nutrition for children and youths. This is to be achieved through awareness projects, as “Fit mit Milch“ (fit through milk) (2005), in order to introduce youths to a daily consume of milk and milk products in a more efficient way. Hereby, theoretical and practical knowledge is imparted to children. The project “Gesundes (Pausen-) Frühstück” (healthy breakfast (in school)) involved cooking classes with regional products especially for youths. In the field of adult education, there is the “Landfrauen Bildungseinrichtung” (rural women education centre) which is offering general and political further education and which is open to women of all ages and professions. The mostly target group oriented further education programs include lectures, courses and seminars of different subjects. Topics of different subjects like nutrition, health, women/society/psychology, law and insurance questions, women-related topics, nature and environment, arts and culture, creativity etc. are taken up. |
Contact details
| Vera Backes M.A. |