LAG Biosphärenreservat Bliesgau e.V.

Name / Title | LAG Biosphärenreservat Bliesgau e.V. |
Case Study Region | Saarland (D) |
Geographical coverage | Bliesgau |
Type | Registered Association |
Main activity / focus
Target beneficiaries / market | Biosphere reserve, citizenship, associations and clubs within the region |
Year established | Founding convention: 23.10.2007 |
Current Funding source(s) | 2.5 million for the funding period of 2007-2013 by EAFRD funds |
| At present, the LAG includes 51 actors. They can be broadly subdivided into 7 scopes of action in which the actors operate. These are as follows: education, society, politics, tourism, economy, agriculture and environment (among other things the biosphere association, the state ministry of the environment, the working chamber). |
Website | |
| In August 2007, the State Ministry for Environment organised a state-wide LEADER competition, which was attended – in terms of public-private partnerships – by local action groups, who could apply with their regional concept. The LAG Bliesgau Biosphere Reserve achieved first place in this competition. The so-called “Local Action Group (LAG) Bliesgau Biosphere Reserve, registered association” (“LAG Biosphärenreservat Bliesgau e.V.”) has been founded as a coordinating organization under the aegis of the Bliesgau biosphere’s joint body. The aims of the association represent, on the one hand, the promotion of a sustainable regional development in the Bliesgau area in the sense of the UNESCO criteria for biosphere reserve and, on the other hand, the preparation and realization of the LEADER development strategy. Moreover, measures, which serve protection, maintenance and development of life-sustaining natural resources, regional development, economic development, cultural identity as well as safeguarding of the future in the biosphere reserve, are supported materially and non-materially. However, the association also sees a special need for action for the integration of social groups, associations, clubs, institutions, citizens, who want to contribute to the preparation and realisation of the regional development concept of the Bliesgau biosphere reserve. Furthermore projects with adolescents, the establishment of varied generation clubs or the commercialisation of regional products are important aspects within the LAG Bliesgau Biosphere Reserve,registered association.
Contact details
| Mr Torsten Czech |