Irish Afforestation Programme and Grant Scheme

Name / Title | Irish Afforestation Programme and Grant Scheme |
Case Study Region | National – West of Ireland |
Geographical coverage | Ireland |
Type | Government; funding scheme |
Main activity / focus
| The provision of a grant scheme for individual farmers or land owners willing to plant land. |
Target beneficiaries / market | Land owners interested in forestry planting. |
Year established | 2007 |
Current Funding source(s) | Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food |
Participants | Farmers and non-farmers. |
Website | |
| In recent years the Irish Government has recognisedthat economic, social, environmental and recreational benefits can accrue from a vibrant forestry estate. As Ireland’s forest cover is, at 10%, one of the lowest in Europe, the Afforestation Grant and Premium Scheme provides a package to encourage the planting of forests by compensating forest owners for the costs of forestry establishment and for the income foregone during the maturation of the timber crop. This scheme provides planting and establishment grants as well as annual premiums for new afforestation projects that are compliant with national and EU legislation, operational and environmental guidelines. An afforestation grant is available to cover the costs associated with the establishment of the forest. 75% is payable after planting with the balance paid by way of a second instalmentgrant 4 years after planting, grants range from €3,414/ha to a maximum of €7,604/ha dependent on tree species and soil type. Annual forest premiums are available to compensate farmers and non-farmers for the loss in income earning potential from the afforestation of their land. This premium is payable for a period of up to 20 years in the case of farmers or 15 years for non-farmers. Forestry premiums range from €197.12/ha to a maximum of €573.86/ha dependent on tree species, soil type, area planted and farmer status.
Contact Details | Mr. Michael McNamara |