
Name / Title


Case Study Region

Goriška region, Slovenia

Geographical coverage

Slovenian-Italian border region


Business; project; training scheme; advice service


Main activity / focus


Supporting business development in border region (Slovenia-Italy) by co-operation, education and networking of supporting institutions and firms. Project is focused on creating business environment which will enable entrepreneurs with instruments for their further development.


Target beneficiaries / market


  • Firms in the Slovenian-Italian border region.
  • Business-support institutions of mentioned region.
  • Young and elderly people interesting in entrepreneurship.
  • Business associations.


Year established


Current Funding source(s)

Co-financed by EU territorial co-operation (programme of cross-border cooperation Slovenia-Italy in 2007-2013): 3 million €. Also partners´ contributions.


15 partners from Slovenian and Italian side of the border have already participated in project preparation:

– RDA Rod Ajdovščina, Slovenia,
– Chamber of Commerce (on national and regional level in Slovenia, similar also in Italy),
– Chamber of Craft and Small Business (on national and regional level in Slovenia, similar also in Italy),
– various business associations in Slovenia and Italy,
– Slovenian economic association in Italy (Slovenian Regional Economic Association in Trieste),
– universities in the tackled area,
– individual entrepreneurs as participants at proposed activities.






The pre-condition for this cross-border strategic project has to be found in good experiences from the previous business co-operation (project PRIME). The first ideas came up at the end of 2007, the project was approved in 2010. The main objectives are:

  1. analysis of existing business connections and networks (concentration by territory and sector of activity);
  2. entrepreneurs networking by formation of approx. 10 business networks based on analysis results and entrepreneurship interest (renewable energy sources, nautics, tourism, ICT, engineering etc.);
  3. establishing the network of business support institutions in border region (knowledge transfer, supporting innovativeness, joint services);
  4. developing project information system (DBE: Digital Business Ecosystem) as an actual database for entrepreneurship development;
  5. education of actors who will co-ordinate the cross-border business development;
  6. special attention to marginalized groups (young, old) with interest for being active in entrepreneurship environment (cross-border trainings, education modules etc.);
  7. to increase recognizability and increase direct investment in this border region.

This could be a good practice example for numerous border areas that face vitality decline (especially in the field of economy).


Contact details


Slovenian lead partner:

Mr. David Bratož; ra.rod@siol.net
RRA ROD Ajdovščina, Gregorčičeva 20, 5270 Ajdovščina, Slovenija

Italian lead partner:

Mr. Andrej Šik; andrej.sik@servis.it
Slovensko deželno gospodarsko združenje, Trst/Trieste (Italy)