BioEnergyNet (BEN)

Name / Title | BioEnergyNet (BEN), BioEnergyNet3 (BEN3) |
Case Study Region | Dresden region (Direktionsbezirk Dresden), Upper Lusatia and Lower Silesia (Oberlausitz-Niederschlesien) |
Geographical coverage | The transborder action space covers the districts Bautzen and Görlitz in Germany and the districts Liberec (Liberecky kraj) and north-eastern parts of the district Ústí (Ustecky kraj) in the Czech Republic. |
Type | Advice service; project; partnership |
Main activity / focus
| BEN: Establishment of a transborder network supporting activities in the field of energy production and energy supply from renewable resources in the border triangle. BEN3: Increasing the capacity of the ‘centres for biomass and renewable energies’ located in the cities Liberec and Zittau (established already in the BEN project), raising regional awareness of these institutions, initiating regional cycles of biomass, and promoting sustainable economic activities. A data base – Energieatlas Lausitz (energy atlas Lusatia) – will be developed. This data base is to be brought to the market as best practice in Lusatia and North Bohemia and also beyond these regions. |
Target beneficiaries / market
| Regional economy (especially small and medium-sized enterprises), regional public authorities, municipalities, citizens, research institutions |
Year established
| The network BioEnergyNet (BEN) was initiated in 2006. In 2008 a biomass agency was established in Zittau and Liberec. The follow-up project BioEnergyNet3 (BEN3) started in June 2010 and will be finished in June 2012. |
Current Funding source(s) | The transborder project BEN3 gets financial support in the context of the funding programme Ziel 3 – Programm zur Förderung der grenzübergreifenden Zusammenarbeit zwischen dem Freistaat Sachsen und der Tschechischen Republik 2007-2013 (Objective 3 -programme to support the transborder co-operation between the Free State of Saxony and the Czech Republic 2007-2013) in the time period June 2010 to June 2012. The programme Ziel 3 is financed by the EU (ERDF) and supports transborder projects with economic and social aims (see |
| The project is managed by the Institut für Ökologie und Umweltschutz (IÖU) (Institute for Ecology and Environmental Protection) at the University of Applied Sciences Zittau/Görlitz. Main supporting partners are ViaRegia o.s. and the district Görlitz. ViaRegia is responsible for coordinating the BEN3 project in the Czech parts of the transborder region (kraj Liberec and kraj Usti). Further regional partners are:
Website |; |
| BioEnergyNet (BEN) is a transborder network that was initiated to support the development of renewable energies in the eastern parts of Saxony at the German-Polish-Czech border triangle. Main aim of the BEN project was the initiation of regional economic cycles based on the production and energetic utilization of biomass. In this way, the share of heat and power produced by the regional RES sector should be enlarged, and positive economic effects in the agricultural and forestry sector, especially for regional SMEs, should be triggered. In 2008 a biomass agency called Koordinationszentrum für Biomasse und Erneuerbare Energie im Dreiländereck was established to reach the mentioned aims. The energy agency acts as information centre, coordinates regional activities and supports the BEN network partners. It is closely linked with domain experts and has two locations, one in the city Zittau (Germany) and another in Liberec (Czech Republic).
Contact details
| Institut für Ökologie und Umweltschutz (IÖU) (Lead Partner), Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz (University of Applied Sciences Zittau/Görlitz)