Bar “Na Kujkli”

Name / Title | Bar “Na Kujkli”, Murska Sobota |
Case Study Region | Pomurska case study region |
Geographical coverage | Area of activity: Pomurska case study region (situated in Murska Sobota) |
Type | Voluntary group |
Main activity / focus
| Social activity; Topics of activities for our target group – foreign home owners:
Target beneficiaries / market | Foreign home owners; permanent stay, second home owners Local people |
Year established
| Private bar (English Pub), established in 90-ies by Branko Đurinek, Englishmen meeting point since 2004. |
Current Funding source(s) | Founded Branko Đurinek. |
Participants | Foreign home owners, mostly coming from Great Britain; They meet weekly (on Sundays) but also occasionally during the week. During holidays and summertime the number of visitors increases to 50 and more. |
Website | No official web site exists. |
| The Bar “Na Kujkli” was basically an English Pub. Since 2004, when the higher number of foreign home owners (mostly from Great Britain) started to come to Pomurska region, this bar is a sort of “meeting point” for a large number of foreigners with permanent stay and also for second home owners. Initially Derreg Smith (he started to sell real estate from the area) organized meetings for newcomers, to organize them, to help them with advices etc. Lately foreigners organized themselves and since than they meet here constantly (they are functioning as a club). For majority of migrants these informal meetings are the most important source of information and help in their everyday life. The interaction and cooperation between foreigners (migrants) and local people is getting more and more important. In the beginning, mostly the bar owner and his friends helped foreign home owners with their problems. Lately, they were more advisors from them, and in last few years a sort of friendship developed. Cooperation and help is mutual. Also foreigners somehow help people from the region (they bring things from great Britain etc.). Also communication in slovene/english is very important benefit for both groups. The number of foreigners who meet in the Bar constantly is around 10, but for holidays (Christmas), in the spring and later during the summer holidays this number increase to 50 people. Today we can talk about well established network of foreigners and locals, who cooperate and help each other on different fields; what is missing on formal level is organized through this social network. We should mentioned also the second group of second home owners, who came here to “get away” from old life, who do not want to associate with other foreigners; they do not have that source of information and help and they stressed the problem of “isolation” much more than mentioned group. |
Contact details
| Bar “Na Kujkli” |