minarska pot.jpg

Name / Title

Mlinarska pot
(English: Mill trail) 

Case Study Region


Geographical coverage

regional level: Pomurska region



Main activity / focus

Connecting natural and cultural heritage along the river Mura in a unique tourism offer

Target beneficiaries / market

tourism suppliers, indirectly entire population of Pomurska

Year established


Current Funding source(s)

EU funding; local funding (Municipality Beltinci)


Municipality Beltinci with partners (in Slovenia): Tourism and cultural institution of Beltinci, Municipality Veržej, Municipality Razkrižje, Regional development agency – Prleška razvojna agencija

Municipality of St. Martin na Muri in Croatia.






The project “Mlinarska pot/trail” has been supported by the program Slovenia–Hungary-Croatia 2004-2006 and was implemented in 2008. It has been chosen as a good practice in the region due to its highly potential impact in sustainable tourism (and overall) development of Pomurska region. At this point it is time wise too soon to talk about the real example of »good practice« but the project results indicate potential positive impacts on the entire region, especially on the area along river Mura. The latest represents a quality natural environment which is endangered by the hydro power construction plans. In this point of view a good and successful sustainable tourism project can contribute to environmental preservation and can potentially help in banning the hydro power plants construction.

The project addressed the cultural, technical and indirectly also natural heritage of the area with the main goal to preserve these specific regional potentials and to use them in a sustainable way – mainly with the inclusion into tourism offer. The geographical scope of the project results covers the municipalities along the river Mura in Slovenia, and it extends also to Croatian side which represents the added value of the project with its potential cross border positive impacts.

The main connecting elements along the river are the mills in Veržej, at the Love island at Ižakovci and the one in Žabnik where the traditional skills, typical for the region are presented. In this way the regional tradition is preserved and also reactivated in a new tourism role but as a part of a sustainable development of the area.

The important part of the project is promotion, information as well as marketing of the results.


Contact details


Ms. Elica Horvat
ZTK Beltinci
Mladinska ulica 2
SI-9231 Beltinci,
Phone:+386 (0) 2 541 35 80
Fax: +386 (0) 2 541 35 85
Email: beltinci.info@siol.net